NIFTA Updates

Announcement of Shahi Chair at NIFT New Delhi by Hon'ble Minister of Textiles

On 26 July 2019 in Delhi, the Hon’ble Minister of Textiles, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani and Chairman of Shahi Exports, Sh. Harish Ahuja, inaugurated the Shahi Chair at the National Institute of Fashion Technology.

Named chairs are provided with funds to push the frontiers of their scholarship and these funds propel further research and even, help pay student assistance and research fellows or create opportunities for collaborative projects. With these objectives in mind, Shahi Exports, India’s largest apparel manufacturer has recently set up Industry chair at NIFT with clear emphasis to conduct research in the emerging technologies that is likely to disrupt apparel manufacturing industry. The activities will include research fellowship at PhD level, scholarship at Master’s and Bachelors level to NIFT as well as other institutes for cross domain expertise.

NIFT Delhi Campus is delighted to announce that Dr. Prabir Jana has been named Shahi Chair Professor Industry 4.0. Shahi Exports employs over 100,000 people directly of which 70% are women, having 65 manufacturing facilities across 9 states in India catering to the world’s biggest brands and retailers.

NIFTA Industry Mentor series session conducted at the Delhi Campus

The NIFTA Industry Mentor Series was launched in April, just before the students entered placement season. The Delhi chapter took the lead in this, and the proposal is to continue with weekly sessions conducted by NIFTA members in the various campuses once the next academic session starts in 2019.
This session was attended by around 20 students and a few of NIFT’s faculty. The mentors for this session were Manish Tribhuwan (GMT 1995-97, Kolkata) and Brajesh Rawat (GMT 2000-2002, Gandhinagar). The discussions covered a range of subjects including industry expertise, the industry’s expectations, new opportunities in the industry from online to AI-aided fashion, internships, design-based thinking and sensibilities as well as life skills. The students gained a lot of insight on practical experience of in-the-field issues and day-to-day issues in business. The students were also guided by mentors on their internships, job preferences, and many other aspects through a highly interactive Q&A Session

NIFTA Conclave at the India Fashion Forum in Mumbai

The recording of the NIFTA Conclave at the India Fashion Forum in Mumbai last month, for those who missed it and for those who wish to review and revisit…… Read More

NIFT and NIFTA signed a formal MOU in 2018

NIFTA signed an MoU with NIFT for NIFTA to directly engage more deeply with the NIFT and its stakeholders. The MoU covered areas including engagement of Alumni to teach at campuses of the Institute, through courses, seminars, workshops and guest lectures, to be involved in review of the course curriculum, to provide mentoring inputs for real-world experiences to be imbibed by the students and to be equipped professionally for the industry, creation of live industry projects and classroom projects for the students and the faculty, to foster entrepreneurship among NIFT students through mentoring, incubation, investment and/or business support, help in providing placement opportunities to the students of the Institute, and other areas.

NIFTA - Contribution to redesigning the NIFT curriculum

NIFT has begun the process of redesigning the curriculum of various courses with active inputs from internal and external stakeholders, and in consultation with alumni, industry leaders, and leading academics from institutions of higher learning. NIFT DG, Dean and Faculty from various departments met with the industry experts on 28 February in Delhi to present the new framework being developed and to incorporate their recommendations into the revised curriculum, so that NIFT is able to not only meet the industry’s future requirements but to lead the industry through times of global volatility and business uncertainty


The overall objective of this Memorandum is to establish a mutual collaboration that seeks to bridge the gap and enhance the relationship between Alumni of the most prestigious Fashion institute of the country with the council that represents the Fashion export industry of the country for mutually beneficial working and future growth


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