NIFTA Chapters

NIFTA Members’ Lunch – 28 July 2019 (Hosted by Delhi NCR chapter)

Other than catching up with friends and business associates, this meet included 3 power-packed interactive sessions to help build yourself and your business:

  • Boosting Sourcing from India – Nidhi Dua (Head of India Region for Marks & Spencer)
  • Creating And Refining Your Business Strategy – Devangshu Dutta (Founder-CEO of Third Eyesight)
  • Demolishing the myths surrounding stress – Vineet Aggarwal (peak performance consultant from Melbourne, Australia)

Members who had graduated from a wide variety of campuses and courses, and from across the years, had a chance to make new contacts, renew relationships and strengthen the network.

Photos of the event can be viewed here

NIFTA Dhaka 1st Meet

On 9th March, NIFTA member Smita Kansal organised a meet of alumni based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. NIFTA members Sanjay Taneja and Vinay Arora, and many other alumni participated in the meet. The alumni group represented graduating batches ranging from 1990 to 2014, and campuses including Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Jodhpur, Chennai and others. It was a very interactive session, with discussions on NIFTA’s activities such as student mentoring and on-campus workshops. The meet also coincided with a visit by Prof Dr Raghuram Jayaraman (Head of Industry & Alumni Affairs, NIFT) and Prof. Amit Anjani. who were able to share information on new initiatives by NIFT such as design incubation centres, the massive Size India study for standardisation of sizes in India, and the new forecasting project for fashion and colour.

NIFTA Bangalore Chapter Meet

Approximately 70 Alumni from various streams, centers and batches participated in the event. Anand Jain (President of NIFTA) and Rohit Aneja (Secretary of NIFTA) shared a brief overview of association. Mr. Raghuram (Head AIR – NIFT) also addressed the alumni gathered. After the  presentations the alumni introduced themselves, and the evening opened up to nostalgic conversations, toothsome food and drinks, and perky late-night discussions in the cozy Bangalore weather.

Delhi-NCR Chapter Cocktail-Lunch

The Delhi-NCR chapter members organised a Membersb’ Lunch, which drew participation from not only the NCR area, but also from Mumbai, Bengaluru, the USA and Bangladesh.

NIFTA Mumbai Chapter Meet-18th March 2018

The third Alumni Meet of NIFTA Mumbai Chapter was held on 18th March2018. The event was divided into 3 different categories: Mantra, Namaskar & Kala.

MANTRA: Wisdom words from Senior Alumnus, getting inspired from their Mantra.

NAMASKAR: In this NIFT Entrepreneur, startups or business people will showcase their Business, which will give us all a platform to connect and collaborate.

KALA: Felicitating NIFTians who showed their creativity in other fields.

Mrs. Sarita Karandikar, shared her inspiring Experiences and Motivational Stories for Mantra, For Namaskar, Mr. Pallav Ojha shared valuable insights about his Business Como & India Beach Fashion Week and for Kala Harshit Anurag, shared details about journey towards his Venture InkStation and featured his Artists with their Brilliant Performances which made the overall crowd getting tuned in their rhyme.

Adding to the above, NIFTA Mumbai Chapter had organized Clothes Donation Camp for Goonj. Approximately 330 garments, few toys and 2 cartons of Fabric Waste were donated as part of this initiative.

The Mumbai chapter also recorded feedback of all attendees to work towards improvement and further action plans.

NIFTA's Mumbai Chapter held a meeting with Goonj

NIFTA’s Mumbai Chapter held a meeting with Goonj on the 27th of January to understand their functioning and associate with them for NIFTA’s social responsibility efforts. Nikhil Ranjan and Navin Sagar represented NIFTA and met Mr. Ajaz Rashid and Team from Goonj.

One of Goonj’s major efforts is to provide clothes to those below the poverty line. Goonj doesn’t provide materials free of cost, but against some work done by the recipients for their village / community development (E.g. cleaning of ponds so that villagers get clean water, cleaning surrounding areas, improving road conditions, etc). Free materials are provided to those hit by natural calamities.

One of the ways in which NIFTA members can work with Goonj on social causes is by providing cut bits / fabric cutting waste, unutilized trims & accessories to Goonj, which can be stitched into usable articles.

NIFTA members can also contribute by training those engaged in cutting fabric wastes to utilise the cut fabric better for articles such as garments, bags, etc. In addition, old wearable clothes can be contributed to Goonj (eg. Raymond provides more than 1.5 lakh pieces to Goonj every year).

Goonj will engage in promotional activities for all partners. Further interactions, including factory and office visits across the country are planned to be undertaken soon.

NIFTA Bangalore Meet

Approximately 70 Alumni from various streams, centers and batches participated in the event .Mr.Anand Jain (President of NIFTA) and Mr. Rohit Aneja (Secretary of NIFTA) shared the brief of the association and the updates with larger audience. Mr.Raghuram(Head AIR –NIFT)Graced the Occasion with his presence and addressed the Alma Mater with the journey so far and milestones.vPost the presentations the youngest and wisest of alma mater introduced themselves, followed by information sharing, chit chat, nostalgic conversations, toothsome food and drinks, perky late night discussions in the cozy Bangalore weather.

NIFTA Delhi AEPC annual exporters awards

NIFTA was recognised as an important partner at the recently held AEPC annual exporters awards in New Delhi.

NIFTA Mumbai Meet-12th November 2017

The second meeting of NIFTA’s Mumbai chapter was held on 12th November 2017, over lunch, with the participation of 85 NIFTians from various streams, centres and batches. Also present to interact with the alumni were Mr Raghuram (Head, Industry and Alumni Relations, NIFT), Mr Pavan (NIFT Mumbai) and Ms Meher Castelino (eminent fashion journalist).

NIFTA Bangalore Meet-21 Jan 2018

Around 15 members attended the last Bangalore meetup. There was an emphasis on networking and awareness on NIFTA was discussed. There was on-the-spot registration along with payments for NIFTA membership. The core committee members for NIFTA BLR chapter were decided, and a committee was formed for the newsletter. Upcoming events like 16 Dec meet, International conclave and Mega event for Sep2018 were discussed.
Next meeting is scheduled on 21 Jan 2018.

NIFTA Delhi Meet-5th November 2017

The Delhi NCR chapter organised a meeting over lunch on 5th November 2017, with a participation of 62 NIFTians from various streams, centres and batches, including well-placed senior alumni. The meet included the presence of Ms. Sarada M Muraleedharan (DG, NIFT), Mr. Murugan (HOD, Accessory Design Dept), Mr. Suhail Anwar (Professor, Head of Projects), Mr. Jatin Bhatt (Founding-HOD of Accessory Design).


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